Copyright notice

Content published on https://xn—-7sbkrwmcpclp7h.xn--p1ai/ (https://списать-могу.рф) represents solutions of teaching tutorials that are used in educational programs of general education for the purpose of self-preparation and self-examination for pupils and their parents. Solutions of a teaching tutorials are created on a contractual basis with the responsible authors and used on https://xn—-7sbkrwmcpclp7h.xn--p1ai/ (https://списать-могу.рф) legally.

For the convenience of users as illustrations can be used covers of the relevant teaching tutorials. The use of excerpts of teaching tutorials within reasonable limits and the use of illustrations are allowed in force of the provisions of article 1274 of the Civil code of Russian Federation.

Author’s Agreement examples


Author’s agreement with the transfer of copyright, Order for the creation of a copyright work and Act of acceptance №10:11.11.2010

Part of a source file of a work created by Author №10:11.11.2020

Example of an unedited work created by author

Copyright Statement

No part of the site content may be reproduced or distributed in any form, or by any means, or stored in a database without the prior written permission of the publisher.